Lord Castlereagh — A Selection of Shelley's Verse with Commentary — Graham Henderson: Home of The Real Percy Bysshe Shelley

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Lord Castlereagh

PB Shelley, “To S and C” (1819-20)

PB Shelley, “To S and C” (1819-20)

In 1820, Shelley began toying with the idea of publishing (as he put it) “a little volume of popular songs wholly political & destined to awaken & direct the imagination of the reformers.” As with other poems to be included in this collection, “To S. and C.” confronts some of the major events of the day with a bouncy, catchy rhythm, and it offers instruction through a collection of straightforward but powerful similes. Such a style of writing seems to affirm the view that England’s common people, and not just educated elites, have a part to play in the country’s reform movements.